Pest control approach to treating household ants
Household ants can be a real bugger to deal with, taking a lot of effort, time and money to eradicate completely if not done professionally. They are common in the drier, warmer months and spread very quickly throughout your property, resulting in nests that emerge from window frames and even your foundations. The most effective pest control approach involves using a combination of professional spraying and baits designed specifically for ants.
Ant control approach
Making use of chemicals specifically designed to treat ants will be your best attack against an already established infestation in and around the home. Using a professional pest controller, like Kleen Pest, will guarantee results for months and ensure no toxic harm to people and pets.
The most effective treatment approaches include:
Baits are a commonly used application indoors that provide ants with an alternative food source that is poisonous to them. The food source is transported back to their nests, where ingested by all ants in the colony, thereby eradicating the nest entirely. But, the correct bait, as not all baits are made equal, is critical to success.
Sprays are used to spray the affected areas and into cracks, corners and crevices that house nests, outside the property. Again, not all ant sprays are equal, and a professional-grade pesticide spray will ensure success.
We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee
At Kleen Pest we are experienced in treating household ants with 100% effectiveness, ridding your home of them entirely. Consequently, we offer a 100% ant eradication guarantee with no terms and conditions. Our pest control treatment approach is eco-friendlier, safe for the entire family (including your precious pets) and affordable. And, we save you the effort, time and money you may waste attempting to control ants with a do-it-yourself approach.
Contact us today and we can get you started on a journey to an ant-free living environment.
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